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New Jersey Chiropractor

New Jersey ChiropractorA New Jersey Chiropractor, Dr. Mark Zientek, DC is board certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. He has successfully completed his post graduate special studies in Orthopedic Chiropractic and is certified in AMA Impairment Rating. Dr. Zientek is a participating member of the Union County PBA Physician's Association.

New Jersey Chiropractor licensing is issued by the State Board of Medical Examiners. Dr. Zientek, as a Board Certified New Jersey Chiropractor provides gentle, safe, and effective care for those who suffer from sports injury, work, auto and other accident related injuries as well as pain relief and healing for a variety of disorders. A consultation is available at Chiropractic Middlesex and Chiropractic Monmouth locations.

Schedule an appointment today with Dr's Choice's New Jersey Chiropractor. Call 732.388.4344, we'll be glad to help.